Kirkpatrick Pump Station
Project History
Architectural modifications were needed to harmonize the building with its surroundings. The front of the building was decorative CMU, with the rest a traditional stucco finish. The existing building had smooth, fluted precast panels around the perimeter that had exposed aggregate. The flutes ran vertically and were 6 inches wide, 4 inches in depth and 12 feet in height, tapering to 4 inches wide in the back. The repair mortar selected for this narrow dimension was fiber reinforced and contained silica fume.
This helped reduce the amount of cracking due to the narrow dimension of the repair zone. A long open time bonding agent was used in those areas, followed by hand-applied repair mortar. There was a wood substrate in some areas along the roof line and metal lath was used to isolate it from the direct applied areas. A fiber reinforced base coat was applied to the precast, followed by a coat of stucco and two coats of an opaque, acrylic stain.
Crawford & Stearns Architects, Syracuse, NY
J.V. Sgroi Co. Inc., Syracuse, NY