First Reformed Church

Project History
The First Reformed Church, first organized in 1674, had several different locations before the current one at Union and Church Street which was built in 1863. A major fire in 1948 destroyed almost all of the church, leaving only the four stone walls standing. The architectural landmark designed by the highly regarded Victorian-Gothic architect Edward Tuckerman Potter, was restored after the 1948 fire. Edward Tuckerman Potter, an ecclesiastical specialist, designed many well-known projects including the Union College’s Nott Memorial (Graduates’ Hall) in Schenectady, and Mark Twain’s residence in Hartford. The brownstone had deteriorated on the row of arches or blind arcade, the buttresses, decorative bands and needed to be restored. Water and the harsh elements had caused exfoliation of the stone. The contractor carefully prepared the substrate and applied a hand-applied, stone repair mortar to recreate the original appearance and profile of the brownstone.
Waters & Griffith
Architects PC,
Schenectady, NY
Contracting Corp.,
Clifton Park, NY
Barker Steel
Company Inc.,
Albany, NY