Dennison Triangle

Project History
Maine watchmaker, Aaron Lufkin Dennison, couldn’t find jewelry boxes for his wares, so his father and sister started manufacturing them in 1843. In 1898 his brother took over the business and opened a factory in Framingham. Many products continued to be manufactured there until the late 1980s. In 2006, development began on the abandoned factory complex to return the building to active use as luxury condominiums. Demolition exposed rebar, which was then coated with the corrosion inhibiting primer, ECB. Sills, lintels, columns and concrete infill panels were mechanically prepared to clean, sound concrete. Edges were square-cut to provide a shoulder for repair. Conpro Start, a water-based consolidant, was used to stabilize the parent concrete to be repaired. One Shot Ag, a polymer modified cement, was used for deep repairs on window sill areas. Conpro Set repair mortar filled vertical and overhead repair areas. Lastly, Conpro Lastic, provided a waterproof membrane for the structure.