Bush Memorial Center
Project History
Bush Memorial Center is one of the finest examples of Greek Revival Architecture in the Country. It serves as an elegant, formal approach to the northern end of the historic Sage College Campus. It was originally designed by James Dakin in 1836 as the First Presbyterian Church. The firm, Architectural+, was selected to design the complete interior and exterior renovation. The existing stucco system had extensive cracking and was delaminating. Investigation of the structure determined that the entire stucco system which was applied directly to the multi-wythe brick walls, required replacement. Exterior restoration included replacing the deteriorated stucco system with a polymer-modified fiber reinforced base coat and a traditional cementitious stucco finish. The base coat varied from 1/2 – 1-1/2 inches in thickness. The contractor recreated the original profiles with the use of templates and imagination. The project received an Excellence in Historic Preservation Award from the Preservation League of New York State.
Architectural +,
Troy, NY