306 Dartmouth Street

306 Dartmouth Street

Project History

Captain John Ames founded The Ames Company in 1774 which today is recognized as the oldest manufacturer of shovels in the United States. His son, Oliver Ames retained well-known architect Henry Hobson Richardson to design three buildings for the family. Richardson’s style was a unique American interpretation of the Romanesque style, which has become known as “Richardson Romanesque”. The building, shown here was the family’s primary Boston residence. The severe environment of Boston had taken its toll on the brownstone. Water damage caused shalling of the stone. Much of the detail of the architectural elements was severely eroded. The owner was determined to restore this landmark to as close to original as possible. The contractor used historical data to help recreate the intricate architectural details. Matrix was chosen as the stone repair material because of the ability to precisely match the parent stone and the relative ease of carving.


and Kelcey,
Boston, MA