1 Union Park

Project History
In 1972, Boston’s South End neighborhood was placed on the National Register of Historic Places as the largest Victorian brick row house district in existence in the United States. 1 Union Park, built in 1859, with an architectural style of French Second Empire was one of those houses. It was purchased in 1861 by its original owner, doctor John S. Flint, M.D. By 2005, the building was suffering from severe scaling and delamination, as deep as two inches in areas. Master Building Associates, hired to restore the structure, chiseled the remaining outcropping of moulding flush to the building, using light hammer blows to prevent fracturing. Once a firm substrate was reached, little remained of the building’s original detail. Matrix repair mortar, which can be color matched on site, was used to reform the damaged exterior stone and recreate its detailing. A sharpened profile of the apron moulding was created, and used to build a 36 inch form. The form was then cast with Matrix, cured, and fastened to the building with stainless steel pins and epoxy.
Waldo Bros.,
Boston, MA