Colorfast, durable stain for concrete block, stucco, vertical, and horizontal concrete surfaces. Enhances natural appearance and adds protection from elements.
Where to use:
Enhance appearance and protect concrete, CMU, stucco, brick, and as a washable finish for Elastideck.How to apply:
Roller, spray, or brush applied, water-based opaque acrylic stain. Additional InformationMinimize InformationPerformance Characteristics
- Water repellent 2 coat application passes ASTM E514.
- Breathability Water vapor permeable. Suitable for on-grade applications.
- Alkaline stable Formulated for highly alkaline substrates.
- Durable UV stable. Mildew resistant.
- Colorfast Premium quality, exterior grade pigments minimize fading.
- Extensive color spectrum 38 standard colors and custom matching.
- Low maintenance Excellent dirt and stain resistance.
Surface Preparation
- Remove loose and deteriorated material, laitance, dirt, dust, oil and any surface contaminants that will inhibit proper adhesion.
- Prepare surface to be sandpaper-like texture (CSP 3) by mechanical abrasion or water blasting. Refer to ICRI Surface Preparation Guide 03732 for information about Concrete Surface Profile (CSP).
- Surface must be dry and frost free.
- Repair large voids and damaged areas with Conpro Set.
- For cracks greater than 1/16 inch rout and caulk with a urethane sealant. Refer to SWRI Sealants – The Professionals’ Guide.
- Priming is not necessary under normal circumstances.
- Stir or mechanically mix using a low speed drill (400 – 600) until homogenous.
- Mix pails from different batches when an entire surface is visible.
- Apply a test sample to determine adhesion. Test using ASTM D335 cross-hatch adhesion test.
- Substrate temperature must be above 45°F.
- Ambient temperature must be above 45°F for the entire curing period.
- For roller applications use a 3/8 – 1/2 inch synthetic nap roller depending on texture of substrate.
- For spray applications use an airless sprayer with a 0.019 – 0.021 tip.
- Work to pre-determined break points in the structure.
- Maintain a wet edge.
- A second coat may be applied when the first is dry-to-touch.
- First apply Elastideck to the substrate. Next, apply Super Color Stain in the same color to provide a durable pedestrian wear surface. Refer to Elastideck data bulletin for more information.
- Protect from moisture for 24 hours.
Clean Up
- Clean tools and equipment with water immediately after use. Clean adjacent areas with water before material dries.
- 250 ft.²/gal. @ 6 mils wet.
- 150 ft.²/gal. @ 6 mils wet for split block or rough surfaces.
Product Handling
Packaging- 5 gallon containers.
- 18 months in unopened containers.
- Protect from freezing.
- Transport and store in cool, clean, dry conditions in unopened containers.
- High temperature will reduce shelf life.
- A light color stain may not completely hide a dark substrate, even with 2 coats.
- Do not apply if precipitation is forecast within 24 hours of application.
- Do not apply in strong winds.
- Do not apply to frozen surfaces.
- Do not apply if temperature of substrate is below 45°F.
- Do not apply if ambient temperature is below 45°F.
Health and Safety
- Product is slightly alkaline.
- Do not ingest.
- Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
- Avoid breathing vapors.
- Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for additional information.
First Aid
- In case of skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
- For eye contact, flush immediately with a high volume of water for at least 15 minutes and contact a medical professional.
- For respiratory problems, remove person to fresh air.
- If respiratory difficulty persists, contact a medical professional.
- Dispose of material in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.