Mineral silicate-based, highly permeable paint/stain, with a natural finish for concrete, masonry, and terracotta. Durable protection for historic structures.
Where to use:
Long term protection and enhanced aesthetics of concrete, masonry, and stone. Opaque and semi-transparent finishes are available.How to apply:
Brush or roller applied. Additional InformationMinimize InformationPerformance Characteristics
- Anti‐carbonation Reacts with calcium hydroxide at surface, mitigating carbonation to depth of penetration.
- Water repellent Siloxane component provides long term protection from water and water borne contaminants.
- Non‐film forming Will not peel, blister or flake.
- Breathability 97% vapor permeable.
- Stable Unaffected by UV. Fire resistant.
- Colorfast Fade resistant pigments.
- Environmentally friendly Water based, low odor, low VOC.
- Ease of application Can be blended for semi‐transparent finishes, stir and apply.
- Extensive color spectrum 34 standard colors, plus Matrix colors and custom matching.
Surface Preparation
- Remove loose and deteriorated material, laitance, dirt, dust, oil and any surface contaminants that will inhibit proper penetration.
- Prepare surface to be sandpaper‐like texture (CSP 3) by mechanical abrasion or water blasting. Refer to ICRI Surface Preparation Guide 03732 for information about Concrete Surface Profile (CSP).
- Surface must be dry and frost free.
- New concrete or repairs must cure a minimum of 7 days prior to application.
- Substrate must be absorptive for proper application.
- M3P is a self‐priming two coat system. Mockups will determine if chalking can occur as a result of an unusually high absorption rate of the substrate
- Stir or mechanically mix using a low speed drill (400 ‐ 600) until homogenous. Product may settle during storage or shipping.
- Box mix pails from different batches when an entire surface is visible.
- For opaque finishes, no dilution is required.
- For transparent finishes, mix with M3P‐X in ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, etc. The more M3P‐X added, the greater transparency in the finish.
- Higher dilution rates require more frequent stirring, be sure to mix/stir often to maintain color consistency.
- Two coats of M3P at selected dilution is required to achieve best results.
- Apply a test sample to determine suitability. Ensure by visual inspection that M3P has penetrated the substrate. Surface must be absorptive for M3P application to be successful.
- Ambient temperature must be above 45°F for the entire curing period.
- For roller applications use a 3/8 ‐ ½‐inch synthetic nap roller depending on texture of substrate.
- Brush or back roll into substrate for pinhole free, uniform coverage.
- Work to pre‐determined break points in the structure. DO NOT CUT IN!
- Maintain a wet edge while working to each architectural break point.
- A second application of M3P can be applied after the first is dry‐to‐touch.
- Protect from moisture for 24‐48 hours.
Clean Up
- Clean tools and equipment with water. Clean adjacent areas with water before material dries.
- Coverage rates vary considerably from substrate to substrate for all potassium silicate coatings due to surface texture and absorption rates of the masonry being coated. Apply a mockup to determine coverage rates for specific project.
- M3P – 150 – 300 ft²/gal.
Product Handling
Packaging- 5 gallon containers. 45 lbs. per unit.
- 18 months in unopened containers.
- Protect from freezing.
- Transport and store in cool, clean, dry conditions in unopened containers.
- High temperature will reduce shelf life.
- Do not apply if precipitation is forecast within 24 hours of application.
- Do not apply in strong winds.
- Do not apply to frozen surfaces.
- Do not apply if temperature of substrate is below 45°F.
- Do not apply if ambient temperature is below 45°F. Ambient temperature must stay above 45°F during curing period.
Health and Safety
- Product is alkaline.
- Do not ingest.
- Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
- Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for additional information.
First Aid
- In case of skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
- For eye contact, flush immediately with a high volume of water for at least 15 minutes and contact a medical professional.
- For respiratory problems, remove person to fresh air.
- If respiratory difficulty persists, contact a medical professional.
- Dispose of material in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.