Developing and manufacturing innovative products for construction since 1975.
Participated in the SWRI Validated Training Showcase in Canton OH, the most well attended training event in the associations’ history. Manufacturers offering Validated Training programs for contractor members included Conproco, Tremco, EMSEAL, Sika and Prosoco.
Congratulating the Team
Spirit Sales, led by Scott Kind joins our sales team, covering North and South Carolina and Southern Virginia.

Conproco revolutionizes color matching of natural stone. It is no longer necessary to take a sample of the stone from the building and send it to us for matching. Simply have one of our sales reps (and many of our dealers’ sales staff) place the Color Eye onto the surface of the stone. The hand-held Color Reader records the color values which are then download onto our app using your cell phone. The app has access to our color data base. It provides a match with an existing color in our data base. A sample of the match can be requested by completing a form on our website or forwarded to a Conproco Kiosk dealer who can produce a sample without delay. This capability reduces weeks of processing and expense to just a few minutes.
Congratulating the Team
Jeffrey Yoder expands his sales representation of Conproco to include fo Maryland, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia. Michael Harper, formerly a Sika sales rep joins our sales effort in upstate New York.
W R Wurz opens a second Kiosk location in Columbus OH, expanding their successful Kiosk location in Cleveland.
TB Philly opens a second Kiosk location in Baltimore, MD, expanding their successful Kiosk location in Philadelphia.
Bow, NH production facility receives major equipment upgrades. Our highest volume production line is now completely automated and upgrades to a specialty products line increased throughput by 50%. These improvements are significant in meeting the increasing demand for our products.
Concrete International magazine feature technical article on the development of crack resistant repair mortar authored by Benoit Bissonnette, Alexander Vaysburd and Christopher Brown.
Launch of Matrix Super Fine, repair mortar for terracotta, brick and natural stone when surface requires exceptionally smooth finish.
Launch of Repoint VE, a color-matched Type N and Type O mortar formulated to be more fluid for applications using a grout bag.
Launch of totally redesigned website, easier to search, faster to get the information, and loaded with new features.
After over 20 years in Dover NH, the company moved its corporate offices to a new building in Somersworth, NH.
ISR CM incorporated into the KIOSK program which enables local dealers to color match Matrix and Repoint at their facility. This dramatically shortens the turn-around time on matches and samples.
Introduced ISR CM, a color matched repair mortar for concrete available in 23 standard colors and custom matching.
Introduced ISR VO, a vertical and overhead repair mortar using Conproco’s proprietary crumb rubber technology to reduce cracking.
Introduced Matrix VE for molding and casting Matrix
Expanded KIOSK program with the addition of Repoint (color matched repointing mortar) and Repoint VE (Viscosity Enhanced) for use when bagging technique is used
Established RTC (Restoration Training Alliance) with Prosoco.
Developed SWRI Institute Validated Training Program.
Introduce ISR (Internal Stress Relief) technology for concrete repair materials. Ground breaking technology developed for the U. S. Navy to eliminate cracking in repair mortars.
Construction begins for twelve new silos and a new production line added to the Bow facility. When complete the a total of twenty silos will add significantly to our production capabilities.
Developed and launched totally new, mobile friendly website.
Introduced “Repoint”, a color matched repointing mortar available in small and large quantities.
MARC (Mid-Atlantic Resource Center) opened in Baltimore MD. Facility created to provide “hands-on” training for architects, engineers and trades people. Facility also offers custom matching for Stone Repair Mortars, repointing mortars, injection grout and coatings.
Introduced the micro injection grout in an array of colors to match stone, cast stone, concrete and terracotta substrates.
Complete a three year effort to develop a crack resistant repair mortar for the U.S. Navy incorporating technology new to concrete and utilizing a high percentage of recycled materials.
Introduces highly breathable mineral silicate paint for concrete that can not peel
Builds new plant to expand capacity
Introduces color matching for natural stone, Terracotta and concrete that allows trained applicators to accomplish color matching at the job site.
Introduces new water-based technology for long-open-time bonding primer for concrete
Builds new facility to house manufacturing, R&D and corporate offices
Contributor to Army Corp REMR program
Develops performance/color matching system for natural stone
Introduces crystalline water entry protection system to US market
Company founded to produce new technology of fiberglass reinforced structural cement
Contributor to the Army Corp of Engineers Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Research Program (REMR): 1995-1998
Sponsor/Host National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conference “Predicting the Performance of Concrete Repair Materials” April 1999/Durham, NH
Partner in C.R.E.E.P., a committee formed from a NIST initiative and tasked with the “Development of Test Methods for Cracking Tendency of Repair Materials”
Sponsor of research “Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Adjacent to Surface Repairs” /Dale Barkey; published ACI Materials Journal, July/August 2004
Committee member ACI 364 Rehabilitation, responsible for the development of “Guideline for Inorganic Repair Material Data Sheet Protocol” (standardized testing and reporting for repair materials)
Speaker/participant, IV International Workshop “Bringing the Concrete Repair Industry into New Era of Sustainable Development”, presenting “Aesthetic Compatibility in Concrete Repair”
Co-author “Realcrete” versus “Labcrete” published Concrete International, February 2004
Co-author “Durability of Concrete Repair- Field Analysis versus Laboratory Results” presented at 5th International Colloquium, January 2003
Co-author “Assessment and Development of Test Methods for Cracking Tendency of Repair Materials” presented at International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, November 2005 Cape Town, South Africa
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