Concrete Repair & Restoration

Start FAQs
Crumbling or soft mortar joints and punky concrete are frequently the result or freeze/thaw cycling, and environmental conditions. Treating the deteriorated surface with a consolidant can be an economical alternative to replacing the deteriorating material.
Consolidants chemically react with calcium hydroxide resulting in a densification of the parent material. They will permanently improve deteriorating cementitious surfaces. The increase in density (lower porosity) provides an improved barrier to carbon dioxide, water and other contaminants.
Start is a water-based environmentally friendly consolidant.

Corrosion is the primary cause of failures in concrete. When water reaches reinforcing steel the corrosion process begins. Corrosion produces iron oxide (rust). Rust is an expansive force that causes cracking in concrete.
Cracking provides a pathway for water and environmental contaminants to reach rebar which results in more corrosion in a continuous cycle that can lead to costly repairs. Repairs to concrete should always include treating rebar with an anti-corrosion coating.
ECB (Electro-Chemical Barrier) incorporates zinc technology to prevent corrosion using sacrificial chemistry in addition to passive and integral anti-corrosion chemistries.
ECB can be left uncovered on rebar for up to 30 days simplifying job site scheduling.

Primer FAQs
Horizontal areas that are resurfaced are often exposed to the elements, particularly sun. It can be difficult to maintain an SSD condition which can result in delamination. Primer has a 72 hour open time, eliminating the dry surface problem.
Bonding primers are also beneficial when site conditions make SSD (Saturated Surface Dry) of vertical repairs difficult.
What makes Conpro Primer different?

Post World War II concrete structures are of an age that often requires repair and restoration. Most repair mortars are a noticeably different color from the parent concrete. The repairs create a patchwork appearance which detracts from the overall aesthetic of the structure. Painting the structure to hide the patches is generally not an acceptable option.
ISR CM, is a repair mortar specifically designed to match the color and texture of concrete substrates. ISR CM provides a repair that is more natural in appearance and sympathetic to the structure. ISR CM (Color Matched) preserves the original aesthetic while eliminating the cost and maintenance issues associated with painting.
The ISR System provides color matched concrete repairs. When installed it is cost competitive with general repair mortars. ISR CM is part of a system of ISR products. Both ISR VO and ISR AG are compatible as fill materials for deep repairs.
ISR CM is available in 23 standard colors, at Conproco dealers and Conproco Kiosk Dealers. Custom colors are available through Conproco's two color matching facilities.
A KIOSK dealer has the ability to do color matching at the store. They can provide quick turnaround of color samples as well as producing pails of finished product.

In 2007 the Navy was concerned that the repairs to concrete at their worldwide facilities were failing prematurely. The Navy established a SBIR grant, "Development of a Crack-Resistant Durable Repair Material for Navy Structures". Conproco was selected to partner with the Navy in this 3-year research and development effort. The technology developed is termed Internal Stress Relief.
Cracking creates a pathway for water and contaminants to enter concrete. Water causes corrosion of the reinforcing steel. The resulting rust is an expansive force that causes additional cracking and ultimately, failures. ISR technology minimizes failures in concrete repairs by incorporating proprietary recycled rubber aggregate in the mortar to create a relief mechanism that mitigates the propagation of micro-cracking and interconnected cracks.
Yes. ISR VO is a hand applied mortar for use in vertical and overhead applications as well as to fill deep repairs prior to applying the final inch with ISR CM. ISR AG can also be used in deep repairs placed either by trowel or as a form and pour/pump.

Deep repairs, greater than 2", call for a repair mortar with 3/8" aggregate for successful long-term performance. ISR AG is most often used for horizontal repairs in applications 2" or greater. It is also used as a filler material for ISR CM when repairs are 2" deep or greater.
Many repairs mortars can be extended at the jobsite. This is labor intensive and can raise issues concerning consistency of mixes over the course of the project as well as quality of the aggregate. When possible, the use of a repair mortar produced as a factory blend with 3/8" aggregate in the mix ensures uniform and consistent product through the project.
ISR AG is formulated to be mixed as a concrete (stiffer) and troweled into place or with higher addition rate of water for form and pour applications. The benefit of this versatile technology is that it can reduce the number of types of repair mortars needed on a project.

Set FAQs
Façade repairs can include repairs to lintels, sills, corners and architectural elements. For best results the repair mortar must be able to be shaved and sculpted. This requires a quick setting material that will not tear or pull apart when finishing .
Set is quick setting material that will not tear or pull apart when finishing. The trained applicator will over-build the repair by 1/4". When ready to finish (10 - 20 minutes and for 2 hours after initial set) it can be shaved with the edge of a trowel or miter rod to create perfect angles and recreate complex elements.
Shaving Set is similar to shaving a hard bar of soap.

Forment FAQs
Large repairs are particularly well suited for a repair mortar that is very fluid so that it can be poured or pumped into repair zone. Forment is also well suited to repair zones that are congested with rebar.
Under normal conditions the forms can be removed after curing for 24 hours.
Form and pour applications have the additional advantage being self-consolidating and not requiring the same level of expertise as hand applied applications.
Forment can be extended with up to 30 lbs of 3/8 inch aggregate to increase yield.

Gunshot FAQs
Gunshot LPS is a fiber-reinforced mortar formulated to be applied with low pressure spray equipment. Low pressure spray is much more efficient than hand patching when placing large repairs. It is also well suited for repair zones that are congested with rebar.
Gunshot LPS can be sprayed through most carousel and rotor stator pumps.
Strike off with a straight edge to a uniform plane, close with a trowel or sponge float.
Yes. The ability to use as a spray or hand applied material reduces the number of products on a job.

Quickshot FAQs
Light weight mortars allow the applicator to place more material per lift and are particularly well suited to overhead repairs.
Working from a swing stage is a good example as to when a quick setting repair mortar can be particularly efficient. Quick setting mortars allow the applicator to mix, place, and finish the repair quickly and move to the next repair. Quick Shot is a fast setting, light weight mortar engineered for vertical and overhead applications when production is an important consideration.
Quick Shot can be placed in up to 4" lifts and finished with trowel or sponge float within minutes of application.

Injection Grout FAQs
Patching requires preparing the repair zone by saw cutting the edges and a minimum of 3/4" deep. Injection Grout fills voids and does not require the same level of preparation.
Injection Grout does not need special equipment for successful application. Common devices are basters, syringes, and ketchup squeeze bottles.
Drill a series of injection ports directly into the center of the crack at a downward angle. Seal the surface of the crack with non-staining easy to remove clay. Begin by injecting the lowest port and work upwards.

One Shot 2C FAQs
Surface must be clean of loose material, dust, and contaminants that inhibit bond. Mechanically remove a minimum of 1/16" of surface.
Conpro Primer is recommended. In large open areas keeping the surface damp can be problematic. The alternative is to saturate substrate with clean water (SSD) with no standing water.
Apply with a motion similar to placing concrete. Finish with a magnesium float or trowel. Do not over work the finish as this can induce surface cracking.
Masonry Repair & Restoration

Matrix FAQs
Stone repair mortars have lower compressive strengths compared to concrete mortars. It is important that the repair mortar have similar physical properties to the stone being repaired. Matrix is engineered to closely match the physical properties as well as the color and surface texture of these materials.
The most obvious difference is our color program. We have two facilities that perform color matching. Our staff has over 100 years of combined experience matching stone. We have the KIOSK Program which enables authorized dealers throughout the US to do color matching as well produce finished product in their stores.
Yes. Matrix VE (Viscosity Enhanced) has the same physical properties as regular Matrix but it is formulated to be fluid enough to be cast into molds.

Matrix TR FAQs
Sills, lintels, terracotta and scaling are examples of areas that can require repair, but full depth repairs are not practical. With Matrix TR the repair process is limited to application of a coating engineered to be compatible with masonry surfaces.
Matrix TR is a two-component cementitious coating that can be applied to damaged surfaces. This durable protective layer prevents further deterioration from water and environmental contaminants. Matrix TR is available in 11 standard colors.
Add Color K-88 to the Matrix TR powder. Mix with mechanical mixer @ 400 - 600 rpm for 3 minutes. Apply with stiff bristle brush or trowel up to 1/16". Finish with either sponge float of trowel. Do not over work finish.

Matrix VE FAQs
The physical and performance characteristics of Matrix VE are similar. The difference is an additive to Matrix that increases flow characteristics without changing the water addition.
With the change in viscosity Matrix VE is a form and pour material. It can be used to cast architectural shapes, fill molds and create dutchmen.
The final color will be the same as Matrix, however the texture will be different unless the forms are removed in time to allow shaving to final texture.

Matrix Super Fine FAQs
The physical and performance characteristics of Matrix Super Fine are similar. The difference is a slight adjustment of the aggregate size.
One of the most common is in repairs to terracotta. The smoother finish more closely matches the texture of terracotta. Also, some limestone has very smooth finish which requires a repair mortar with fine aggregate.

Repoint FAQs
Color-matching repointing mortars by adding color in the field can produce shades of color that vary from batch to batch. Factory blended mortars are more consistent but often require a higher minimum quantity than a project requires. Repoint can solve both issues. Repoint is a color matched repointing mortar (Type N & Type O) available in quantities from a single 50 lbs pail to unlimited skids in 50 lbs bags.
Both Repoint and Repoint VE meet the requirements of ASTM C387 and C270.

Repoint VE FAQs
VE stands for Viscosity Enhanced. Repoint VE is more fluid than Repoint and is formulated to be installed using a grout bag, mortar pump or grouting sponge.
Bagging is a term that describes the use of a grout bag when repointing. Bagging is a very efficient technique when used by experienced masons. Repoint VE is engineered to increase the flowability of Repoint without changing its physical properties.
Color-matching repointing mortars by adding color in the field can produce shades of color that vary from batch to batch. Factory blended mortars are more consistent but often require a higher minimum quantity than a project requires. Repoint can solve both issues. Repoint is a color matched repointing mortar (Type N & Type O) available in quantities from a single 50 lbs pail to unlimited skids in 50 lbs bags.
Both Repoint and Repoint VE meet the requirements of ASTM C387 and C270.

Injection Grout FAQs
Patching requires preparing the repair zone by saw cutting the edges and a minimum of 3/4" deep. Injection Grout fills voids and does not require the same level of preparation.
Injection Grout does not need special equipment for successful application. Common devices are basters, syringes, and ketchup squeeze bottles.
Drill a series of injection ports directly into the center of the crack at a downward angle. Seal the surface of the crack with non-staining easy to remove clay. Begin by injecting the lowest port and work upwards.
Protective Coatings

Plastermix FAQs
Cast-in-place concrete typically has bug holes and voids on the surface as a result of pockets of air. Plastermix is a cementitious parge coat applied in a thin coat to fill the voids and create a uniform surface.
Mix 1 part K-88 Admix with 3 parts water to a slurry consistency. Apply with a sponge float. For a texture coat, apply with a trowel, allow to take up until thumbprint hard. Apply a second coat with a trowel and finish with a sponge float. Do not exceed 1/16".

M3P & M3P-X FAQs
Mineral silicates chemically react with any substrate containing calcium hydroxide resulting in a surface that is will not peel or blister. Mineral silicates are highly vapor permeable finishes particularly suitable for concrete and masonry structures.
Mineral silicate technology is formulated to be used on concrete and masonry structures because it is highly permeable, durable, color fast, with a natural finish that does not look like paint. M3P is a self-priming system that protects concrete and masonry from water entry, carbonation and other environmental contaminants. M3P is a perfect choice when the goal is to preserve a natural appearance and provide a naturally organic matte finish.
M3P is a paint that can be diluted with M3P-X at various rates to change the opacity of the finish. At a dilution rate of 1:1 and higher M3P is a stain. As a stain, M3P is effective in blending color variations of the substrate to create a more uniform appearance.
Because of its chemistry it is important to perform color matching on the specific substrate that is to receive the product and at the specific dilution rate if any. Conproco maintains two color labs in the US, staffed by personnel who combined have over 100 years of color matching experience to help make the process as fast and foolproof as possible.

M3P Overcoat FAQs
Each additional coat of paint, particularly elastomeric and silicon-based coatings, reduces vapor transmission of the wall system. This can lead to deterioration in the wall because the moisture naturally generated from inside is not able to escape as designed. Each additional coating application can further exacerbate the problem.
M3P Overcoat is a highly permeable coating that is formulated to bond tenaciously to elastomeric coatings, as well as acrylic and silicone paints. M3P Overcoat passes ASTM E514 (100% reduction of water penetration and leakage).
M3P Overcoat is a mineral silicate-based chemistry with the addition of an acrylic component. The addition of the acrylic is to create adhesion between Overcoat and a previously applied coating. Silicone and elastomeric coatings reduce the breathability. Application of M3P Overcoat produces a fresh natural appearance without changing water vapor transmission.

Lastic FAQs
An elastomeric coating uses acrylic chemistry modified to be flexible. This flexibility allows the coating to stretch, bridging hairline cracks that are common in concrete and masonry surfaces. Elastomeric coatings are typically applied at a higher mil thickness than most paints.
Concrete, stucco, concrete masonry units and other masonry substrates are ridged by design. Hairline cracks develop because of freeze/thaw cycles, movement caused by settling, and physical impact. Once a crack develops water and environmental contaminants have a pathway which can lead to costly repairs. The combination of a waterproof membrane with crack bridging capabilities is well suited to rigid structures.
Lastic is available in 38 standard and unlimited custom colors. Lastic is available in smooth and sanded finishes to accent architectural details.

Color Coat FAQs
Color Coat is a 100% acrylic paint formulated specifically for the high alkalinity of cementitious substrates. This compatibility significantly extends the useful life of the coating.
Color Coat is a rigid coating that will not bridge cracks. The application rate per coat is about 50% of Lastic. Color Coat is recommended for exposed concrete such as balcony ceilings, parking garage overheads and the underside of concrete structures. Lastic is not recommended for these applications.
Color Coat is available in 38 standard and unlimited custom colors. Color Coat is available in smooth and sanded finishes to accent architectural details.

Super Color Stain FAQs
Paint can change the color of a substrate. Stains cannot. Concrete, CMU and stucco have natural color variations. The use of a stain specifically formulated for masonry surfaces can blend the color differences of the substrate resulting in a more uniform appearance.
Super Color Stain is a high solids, penetrating acrylic stain that can be applied to both vertical and horizontal surfaces. Super Color Stain can also be applied to Elastideck to freshen the appearance after years of wear.
Super Color Stain is available in 34 standard colors. Custom color matching is not practical because stains are translucent and the substrate influences final color.

Terra Color FAQs
Architectural Terracotta consists of a fired clay bisque and a glaze. The glaze protects the bisque and gives terracotta it's unique look. When the glaze is damaged it must be repaired to protect the bisque. TerraColor is a hybrid mineral silicate/acrylic coating that protects the bisque and replicates the look of the glaze. Whether the glaze repair is a single color or a faux finish, TerraColor simplifies glaze repairs.
Terracotta Finish is the next step when a matte or glossy finish is required.
Available in 38 standard colors, as well as custom formulations, to match all terracotta and glazed masonry units. TerraColor is conveniently packaged in 1 gallon pails for easy use onsite.

Terracotta Finish FAQs
Architectural Terracotta glazes vary from a flat finish to a high gloss. Repairing flat finishes can be done in one step (TerraColor). Matte and High Gloss finishes require the application of Terracotta Finish. These clear coats not only replicate the sheen but also provide additional protection. Multiple coats of either Matte or Gloss can be applied to get just the look you need.

Shield MX FAQs
It depends if the application is horizontal or vertical and what type of exposure the structure is subjected to. Generally speaking, you should expect 8 to 12 years before reapplying. A simple test is to stream water onto the treated surface. If it is still beading water there is no need to reapply.
The Rilem tube is an easy and generally effective test to determine the porosity of a substrate by testing the substrate prior to applying a water repellent and then again after it has been applied. In the case of Shield MX, wait for two weeks to test so that it has fully cured. Mark the areas tested to achieve reproduceable results.
Shield MX is a proprietary silane/siloxane which has a very small molecule resulting in deeper penetration. Shield MX will not etch most glass (always test a sample), will not alter the color or light reflection of the substrate, and can be applied a 40⁰F as long as it has one hour to cure before temperature drops.

Elastideck FAQs
Plaza decks, balconies, walkways, driveways and other horizontal concrete surfaces are subject to wear, physical damage, staining and discoloration. These concrete surfaces need protection from water entry and environmental contaminants to prevent spalling, cracking and ultimately, failure. Elastideck bridges minor cracks, prevents water entry, protects against environmental contaminants, and provides a stain resistant textured decorative surface.
Elastideck is an acrylic based product and can be cleaned with warmer water and soap. If that is not adequate, apply Super Color Stain in the same color as the Elastideck. Other than ensuring that the surface is clean of contamination, there is no surface preparation necessary.
Remove the damaged Elastideck. The repair area should be a geometric shape for aesthetic purposes. Ensure the substrate is clean of contaminants. Mix and apply Elastideck. If the color of the new material is different from the existing surface apply Super Color Stain to make uniform.
Exterior Wall Systems

Structural Skin FAQs
Surface bonding cements were introduced in the mid 1970's. They were designed as a component of a masonry wall system that eliminate the mortar joint in concrete masonry construction. Applied at 1/8" to both sides of the wall the result was a significant labor savings, and a stronger wall that was waterproof and semi-finished. Structural Skin when applied to both sides of CMU's will structurally bond the dry laid block eliminating the need for traditional mortar joints. Because eliminating the bed joint changes coursing it may be more efficient to lay the block in the bed joint but eliminate the head joints.
Maintaining existing concrete block, brick, stucco and concrete surfaces that are structurally sound but may need repair, repoint, or simply an updated appearance can be resurfaced. A value engineered solution is to apply a monolithic cementitious coating to protect the surface from further degradation and improve physical appearance. Structural Skin is a fiber reinforced surface bonding cement which can be applied directly to the substrate or in combination with metal lath to a thickness of 1/8" to 1/4". The new surface is waterproof and is engineered to last the life of the structure. Structural Skin, when applied to both sides of CMU's, will structurally bond the dry laid block eliminating the need for traditional mortar joints.
Structural Skin can be troweled or machine applied. Most carousel and rotor stator pumps are capable of spraying Structural Skin.

One Coat FAQs
One Coat is used with metal lath when the application is greater than 1/4". One Coat can be troweled or machine applied. Most carousel and rotor stator pumps are capable of spraying One Coat.
Maintaining existing concrete block, brick, stucco and concrete surfaces that are structurally sound but can be expensive to repair or repoint. A value engineered solution is to apply a monolithic stucco coating to protect from further degradation and improve physical appearance.

K-88 Admix FAQs
Liquid polymer admixtures are used to improve the curing process of cement-based materials. This translates to a finished product that has enhanced physical properties and is more durable. K-88 Admix is a liquid polymer that will reduce cracking during the curing of cementitious materials as well as add water resistance to stucco, mortars, cement parge coats, and Structural Skin.

Color K-88 FAQs
Color K-88 Admix is the same as regular K-88 except it comes in 14 standard colors and is used with Conpro Stucco for integral color.

Stucco FAQs
Typically used as a finishing material over One Coat and Structural Skin.
The use of Color K-88 makes this system unique with the final color an integral part of the mix. This eliminates the cost and continual maintenance of painting stucco finishes.
Below-Grade Waterproofing

Foundation Coat FAQs
Yes. Building a structure below grade with concrete block (CMU) requires close attention to drainage details and placement of positive side waterproofing. Foundation Coat forms a permanent, continuous membrane that prevents water entry.
Foundation Coat is a fiber reinforced cementitious coating that can also be used to coat laid stack CMU's. Dry stack construction is eliminating the traditional mortar joints and troweling Foundation Coat on both sides of the wall. Because block is not perfectly uniform it may be easier and faster to lay the CMU in a bed joint but eliminate the head joint. The resulting wall is stronger than conventional masonry.

Super Seal FAQs
Many below-grade spaces are plagued with water seeping through the wall. Super Seal stops water infiltration by growing a crystalline structure in the capillaries of concrete and mortar. The crystalline structures block water from passing through the capillaries. This is a non-reversible chemical reaction which provides permanent protection. Super Seal is a powder mix with Super Seal Admix mixed to form a slurry that is applied with a drywall brush.