Leed Information

(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

What is LEED?

A green building certification system developed by the U.S.Green Building Council (USGBC).

What does LEED do?

The LEED rating systems provide a framework for developing and implementing design and construction plans that maximize health and environmental benefits.

How does LEED work?
LEED credit points are awarded on a 100-point scale, with 10 bonus points available. Credits are awarded for various project criteria, and are weighed based upon environmental impact.

Are Conproco products eligible for LEED points?

Conproco products may contribute towards earning regional material credits and low-emitting material credits to name a few.

How do I learn more about the LEED building program?

Visit www.usgbc.org/leed for a sample LEED certified project.

How do I get LEED credit information for my product?
Contact: Trish Veneziano,
at 800.258.3500 extension 541,
or email at [email protected]

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