Plaza decks, balconies, walkways, driveways and other horizontal concrete surfaces are subject to wear, physical damage, staining and discoloration. These concrete surfaces need protection from water entry and environmental contaminants to prevent spalling, cracking and ultimately, failure. Elastideck bridges minor cracks, prevents water entry, protects against environmental contaminants, and provides a stain resistant textured decorative surface.
Elastideck is an acrylic based product and can be cleaned with warmer water and soap.  If that is not adequate, apply Super Color Stain in the same color as the Elastideck. Other than ensuring that the surface is clean of contamination, there is no surface preparation necessary.
Remove the damaged Elastideck. The repair area should be a geometric shape for aesthetic purposes. Ensure the substrate is clean of contaminants. Mix and apply Elastideck. If the color of the new material is different from the existing surface apply Super Color Stain to make uniform.